Actor Michael Dante Talks Maverick and His Hollywood Journey

Join The Spa Guy as he interviews Michael Dante who reflects on his debut in Maverick as a one-armed soldier and his rise in Hollywood. Learn how this role shaped his career and led to other iconic roles and more.
He had roles in Somebody Up There Likes Me, Jeanne Eagels, Raintree County, Fort Dobbs, Westbound, Seven Thieves, Kid Galahad, Operation Bikini, The Naked Kiss, Apache Rifles, Arizona Raiders, Harlow, Willard, Winterhawk, The Farmer, Beyond Evil, Cage, Unbelievable!!!!!, Maverick, Cheyenne, Sugarfoot, Perry Mason, Bonanza, Star Trek, The Big Valley, Daniel Boone, Get Smart, The Six Million Dollar Man, Custer, The Fall Guy, Simon & Simon, Knots Landing, Cagney & Lacey and more..

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