Strawberry Crepe in Osaka




《店名》Sweets Kitchen Pom Pom
《住所》大阪府堺市堺区大町東3-2-28 永木ビル 1F

A great impact! The 30cm tall Amaou millefeuille is exquisite

Seven sweet and sour Amaou strawberries are perfectly matched with Hokkaido fresh cream and homemade custard!
The crunchy millefeuille on top of the crepe allows you to enjoy a variety of textures, and it’s quite voluminous.
The clean interior of the store has an eat-in space, so it’s recommended for dates and food tours!

《Food ordered this time》
Amaou millefeuille 1,080 yen

《Store name》Sweets Kitchen Pom Pom
《Address》1F Nagaki Building, 3-2-28 Omachi Higashi, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka
《Nearest station》4 minutes walk from Shukuin Station
《Business hours》15:00 to 22:00
《Closed on》Mondays

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