親指#ネイルアート 2023年は#卯年 🐇なので、#バニーガール にしてもらった!#Shorts 2022年は#寅年 だから#しまじろう

ちなみに、ワタシはオッサンなので、親指だけにアートを入れてもらい、他の指は、クリアの仕上げです。もちろん、#スカルプ ではなく#ジェルネイル です。

When I upload food content, my fingertips often appear. They appear here and there from time to time, but this time I’d like to introduce you to the process of making them! This year was Toratoshi, so I started with Shimajiro. And since 2023 is Usagi Toshi, I asked her to be a bunny girl.
By the way, I’m an old man, so I had the art put only on my thumb, and the other fingers had a clear finish. Of course, it’s a #gel nail, not a #scalp.
Cleanliness is important for the old man! In the first place, cleanliness is far from being a thing, so I also introduce food, so at least it’s just a fingertip.

当我上传食物内容时,我的指尖经常出现。 时不时会出现,这次要给大家介绍的是制作过程! 今年是 Toratoshi,所以我从 Shimajiro 开始。 因为2023是兔俊,所以我让她做兔女郎。
顺便说一句,我是个老人,所以我只在拇指上画了艺术,其他手指都画得很清楚。 当然,这是#gel nail,不是#scalp。
干净对老人很重要! 本来清洁就不是东西,所以我也介绍了食物,所以至少它只是一个指尖。